Since 2019 the headquarter of OBO Finland can be found near the Finnish capital Helsinki. It consists of a sales company and a logistic site. When the Finnish colleagues moved to their new site, they...
An exciting event is on the horizon – from 3 to 8 March the Light + Building trade fair will again attract tens of thousands of international visitors to Frankfurt am Main. This industry highlight...
With numerous clever product details, the OBO flush-mounted and cavity wall boxes are setting new standards on every construction site in terms of quality and speed.
A key resource for the production of more than 30,000 OBO products is energy. Around 20 million kilowatt hours are required each year just in the production facilities of our main location in Menden,...
Some 400 children are educated here and receive basic education for a period of eight years. Medical clinics, therapy and care facilities are also an integral part of the school.
It was the summer of 2021 when OBO received a cry for help from the Andes: The Diospi Suyana mission hospital needed urgent support.
Ansgar Frommeyer from the aid organisation "Rolling Hospital" had a simple yet brilliant idea for supporting the Ukrainian civilian population: He converted a total of 12 buses into mobile warm rooms.
The time is up for OBO’s V10 Compact: The established V10 Compact is being replaced by the now even more optimised V10 Compact 2.0 version.
OBO(中国)上海办公室新址已于2022年7月6日(周三) 正式启用!